Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Comparative Analysis Of Online News Articles Media Essay

A Comparative Analysis Of Online News Articles Media Essay In European Union citizens are expected to take responsibility and actions to limit the threat of climate change as well as authorities or corporations. However, while only 36 percent of citizens in Lithuanian take personal action, 75 percent of British do. In light of framing as media effects theory media coverage can be considered as an explanation for different levels of personal contribution. Based on the latter assumption the online news content in Lithuania and the United Kingdom was investigated in terms of attribution of responsibility to citizens, authorities and industry/corporations. The findings showed that the use of the same frames varies by country and political preferences of media. However, the findings were not explicit enough to prove the one directional relationship between media content and individual level behavior, where media is perceived as having power upon individuals. Contrary, the results showed that social problems guide thematic choices of editorials a nd therefore individuals have impact on media. As a result, findings raised concerns that the notion of framing as an interactive process would more relevant than the assumption of framing as linear process. Introduction Today climate change is on political, media and individual agendas all across Europe. Political and legislative efforts prove that climate change mitigation is a priority for the European Union. Furthermore, citizens are expected to take responsibility and actions to limit the threat as well. Supranational survey Eurobarometer shows, 63 percent of Europeans say they have taken personal actions to combat climate change (European Commission, 2009). However, the EU as a body of 27 Member States is more diverse than one seeing aggregate level figures could think. For instance, while only 36 percent of citizens in Lithuanian take personal action, 75 percent of British do (European Commission, 2009). The topic of climate change not only has its thematic relevance, but as well scientific. In light of framing theory media coverage can be considered as an explanation for different levels of personal contribution to climate change mitigation among Lithuanians and British. To assess the influence of media portrayals of climate change on individuals, two research questions are developed: RQ1. To what extent do media frame climate change in terms of attribution of responsibility to industry and corporations, international and national authorities, and citizens themselves? RQ2. Does the attribution of responsibility to particular actor vary by country: the United Kingdom and Lithuania? To be more specific, I expect to find that Lithuanian media attribute responsibility to citizens more seldom compare to British media. Moreover, in media coverage in Lithuania attribution of responsibility to citizens should be less visible than attribution of responsibility to authorities or industry. Contrary, in British media attribution of responsibility to citizens shoul d more or equally visible compare to authorities and industry. The next chapter will provide theoretical framework on which the paper rests. It will be followed by the sections of method, results and discussion. Literature review Within the realm of social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science and political communication, studies of framing are common. In a way it explains why framing as a concept is rather â€Å"scattered†, as Entman once referred to it (Entman, 1993, p. 51). However, scientists of different disciplines share the perception that â€Å"the function of a frame is to help people organise the complexity of the world into meaningful categories† (Nickels, 2005, p. 21).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Clinical Trial Drugs Regulations and Manufacture Thesis

Clinical Trial Drugs Regulations and Manufacture - Thesis Example For instance if one treatment is effective in children, could if be equally as effective with adults. Trials confirm what treatments are being used safely and satisfactorily on individuals. There importance is limitless amongst the population of the medical world. For quite some time, clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry have been regulated by several government bodies. These regulations are set forth by entities like the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMEA or EMA), the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), to name a few. These entities weigh a heavy collateral on how pharmaceutical companies transition medicines from ideal to market with the use of clinical drug trials. The severity of the clinical trial drugs process has a significant donation to the well being of humanity, but faults in production of medications that will suffice in the treatme nt of those it was produced to treat. James Bryce once said; â€Å"Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence†. In short drug trials are performed to adhere to safety regulations that conform to human health strategies. According to the United States National Institutes of Health Service clinical trials are â€Å"considered to be biomedical or health-related research studies in human beings that follow a pre-defined protocol† (Understanding Clinical Trials, 2007). In order to associate the importance of these trials, it has to be first comprehended as to where they have evolved from. Traditionally, clinical drug trials can be associated with pharmaceutical medicine. ... The history of pharmaceutical medicine can be accredited sixteen distinct contributions as directly cited by the Drug Study Institute (Saponaro, 2011): 1. In 1906 the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed, partly due to Dr. Wiley's Poison Squad experiments. It forbade interstate and foreign commerce of adulterated and misbranded food and drugs. There were no safety or efficacy requirements. In 1902 Dr. Wiley started research with human volunteers to determine the effects of food preservatives on digestion and health. Overnight the press made the "Poison Squad" a national sensation. This law required new drugs be tested for safety before marketing, the results of which would be submitted to the FDA in an NDA or New Drug Application. The law also required that drugs met standards of strength and purity and had adequate labeling for safe use. 2. The Elixir Sulfanilamide tragedy in 1937 prompted Congress to pass the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938, which required pre-market review of sa fety in a New Drug Application (NDA) and specified labeling requirements. It also began marking study drugs with the phrase, â€Å"for investigational use.† It also gave the FDA the authority to inspect sponsor drug manufacturing plants and gave them more enforcement power. The requirement of proving effectiveness was still missing. 3. In 1948 the Nuremberg Code was written, the first formal statement on medical ethics. Nuremberg Code: In 1948, the Nuremberg Code laid down 10 standards for physicians to conform to when carrying out experiments on human participants. The Nuremberg Code was the result of judgment by an American military war crimes tribunal conducting proceedings against 23 Nazi physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes

Saturday, February 1, 2020

An Analysis of Christianity Through the Lens of Toulmins Method of Essay

An Analysis of Christianity Through the Lens of Toulmins Method of Argumentation - Essay Example In regards to the claim, it is the stance of this brief essay that at its very core, Christianity places a high emphasis on that stewardship should necessarily define the way in which the Christian interacts with the world around him. Although Christianity in and of itself places the primary motivators upon the need to live as Christ, the writings of Paul and others indicate that a primal focus with respect to resources and their utilization must be adhered to in order to better exhibit a Christ-centered relationship. As will be expanded upon in greater depth within this analysis, this fundamental concept of stewardship with regards to the way the Christian should interact with the material world traces its understanding not only to the life and example of Christ or the writings of Paul but back to the very beginnings of humanity with the creation and instruction given to Adam and Eve (Bookless 39). In keeping with Toulmin’s model, the ground is the second part of the argument which must be developed upon and considered. As such, the ground supports that stewardship, although a New Testament Doctrine is also exhibited elsewhere under different names throughout the Bible. One of these is of course indicated during the creation story as God charges Adam to look over the creation and tend to it (Grizzle 233). Obviously, man and woman were created above the animals and were given dominion over them; however, this dominion, as exhibited in the Old Testament book of Genesis, did not indicate that humanity could exploit the resources given to him for no other benefit than his own self gratification. Rather, man was given dominion over the animal kingdom (and by extension the environment) as a means to use his God-given talent and superior intellect to seek to further the needs of these animals. By extension, the animal kingdom was given to man originally as a special charge; one in which mirrored the charge that God had with mankind – a unique relationsh ip whereby the creator uniquely loved and cared for his creation. In this way, the ground for the argument is made even stronger that God attempted to engage mankind with the seriousness of stewardship through giving him charge of the lesser creatures that God had created. Similarly, Toulmin’s argumentative logic continues on to the issue of the warrant. In this stage of argumentation, Toulmin would have the reader link the preceding claim and ground to a verifiable connection that leads to a verifiable end. In this way, the author of this analysis has thus far laid out the fact that stewardship in the New Testament lays a fundamental framework through which the Christian is charged with integrating with and watching over the material resources he/she is responsible for in this life. Accordingly, the ground went on to give